Liberal Tribute to Andrew Breitbart

I don’t often consider commenting about news media stories on their public forums no matter how outrageous they may be. I see zillions like that every day.

But on rare occasions something snaps and, against my better judgement, I’m compelled to react.

That happened on the first anniversary of Andrew Breitbart’s untimely demise when David Frum of the Daily Beast published this article:
Breitbart: Second Thoughts
– Daily Beast, 3/2/2013

I didn’t know Breitbart. I just knew of him. He was a hated thorn in the side of liberals. Like most media politicos, he was over the top in his views and actions. He was a lightning rod for political controversy.

Frum’s 2012 Breitbart obituary that I’d seen and read a year earlier ignited harsh reaction from Breitbart followers because of Frum’s acrid, politically-laced insensitivity. Today, he called his piece “respectful of the sorrow” and then, reacting to Breitbart fans once again protesting it then said, “Rereading my obituary a year later, I wouldn’t change a word of it.”

That did it for me… especially when he began his 2012 obituary with these words:

Of the dead, speak nothing but what is good

Perhaps I’m just overreacting when a man who can no longer defend himself gets trashed by inferiors who smugly think themselves intellectually and politically superior… and do so on the very day of his untimely death.

Frum did it under the false pretense of feigned honesty and truth.

It ticks me off.

After writing an off-the-cuff reaction to the newest offending article and attempting to post it, I discovered I had to sign-up for a Daily Beast account to leave comments. As much as I dislike that idea, I decided to do it anyway.

Fortunately, fate mercifully stepped in when my computer security system was smart enough to prevent creating the account.

I didn’t express my outrage to Frum directly, so here is my unedited rant in its entirety.


I know it is much to ask of anyone at The Beast… but…

Perhaps… just PERHAPS… you could find it within your powerful intellect to consider the slight possibility that some people MIGHT justifiably misinterpret your sincere, heartfelt respect for fellow journalist Andrew Brietbart (written the day he died while his lifeless body was still warm on the slab) when you described him in the obituary like this:

only by hating a particular political man (Obama) could Breitbart bring any order to his fundamentally apolitical emotions.

one of the leading media figures of the day achieves his success by his giddy disdain for truth

Because President Obama was black… Breitbart’s politics did inevitably become racially coded

I could go on… but why?… its doubtful your vision goes beyond politically-tarnished glasses.

You still think 2012’s obituary affirms “Of the dead, speak nothing but is good”, don’t you?

About azleader

Learning to see life more clearly... one image at a time!

Posted on Mar 3, 2013, in culture, Democrats, journalism, liberalism, Life, news, Opinion, Politics, Thoughts. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. It is amazing how rabid the liberals can be on conservatives but even on themselves. It really shows mediocre talent and weak character, even if some of them did to to east coast schools. Truth is everywhere today, and you need hard to find it. It is not in the mainstream media and I a moderate and can see it. Good job.

    • Unfortunately, mediocrity is not limited to just liberals.

      When twitter comments and spur of the moment opinion polls get passed off as hard news then the whole process of journalism is at-risk. 😦

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